Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stock Market Outlook for 2009

It has been a year since I'm busy. It's good to be back. I would like to pen down my research so that I can share with many of you who are reading my astrological research.

2009, the sky will be shadowed by Saturn (Vir) Oppose Uranus (Pis).

In the last quarter of 2009, Saturn (Lib) will Square Pluto (Cap).

What does this mean? It means there is no buying opportunity at all in 2009.

Let's look carefully into the stars.

For the whole year of 2009, Saturn in Virgo will greatly reduce the rate of consumption. This will result great excess. With consumption reduce, economies will start to shrink. With the Opposition of Uranus in Pisces, this drop in consumption will affect and change the structure of large insitutions. Many insitutions will start to face massive change. This applies to companies, banks, governments and all groups activity.

Things will start to get worse as in the last quarter of 2009, Saturn will enter Libra. Libra is a sign to partnership and trading. When Saturn enters, it will start to create misunderstanding and bonds will start to break apart. Agreements and contracts that are made are dishonored. This will produce the rise of protectionism. Trading and negotiation will be extremely difficult in this environment. With the Square of Pluto in Capricorn, huge organizations will start to transform and change. This will be a tough time. Things becomes more uncertain and depressive.

With such sky angles, things will go from bad to worse. It's not time to buy anything. Preserve your cash and stay alive in 2009. Things will get even worse in 2010. I'll post my analysis in my next article.

I wish all of you happiness.

Eric Lim

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